Online: The Blessings and Burdens of Aging – A Three-Week Course

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Online: The Blessings and Burdens of Aging – A Three-Week Course
with Amy Selzer & Nancy Glimm
Sundays, October 20th, 27th & November 3rd, 2024 | 10:00am – 1:00pm ET

In this three-part series, teachers Amy Selzer and Nancy Glimm offer a community where you can feel safe to speak from your heart about aging, your fears, and what it means to age.

Since we are all aging, this class is open to everyone.

Sometimes as we age, there can be a sense of growing contentment. Unexpected opportunities to become more ourselves might even arise. Yet the other side of growing older—the changes in our body, our intellect, our looks, energy, and vitality—can be difficult to embrace with an open heart.

This course is a space to share the things that are coming up for us—both what we appreciate and what we don’t—and cultivate the inner resources that can help with dealing with the challenges of confronting our impermanence.

We will look at our relationship to change and how change can include the cultivation of the heart and mind. Change is challenging for all of us. Often the aging population feels invisible. We will use these ideas as lessons in humility by putting our attention on being with things as they are. We will illuminate the wisdom that was not available to us when we were younger. The Buddhist teachings on the Brahma Viharas, the heart qualities, will support our inquiry into the challenges we face as we age.

We are creating a sangha of support, safety, and openness, where we can all open to the “blessings and burdens” that aging brings.

The intention for this class is to offer participants ways to feel empowered in facing the difficulties that aging brings, and to question some of the negative narratives we may be holding onto.


Please register below. If you are able, registering at the “Supporter” level enables others to attend at the “Subsidized” level. Thank you for your generosity! (Please note that the registration price includes a base level of teacher support, and you will have the opportunity to donate more after the program.)

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All of our programs rely on volunteers to support our teachers and staff with various tasks and responsibilities. Volunteering allows you to participate in our programs at no cost. To inquire about volunteering opportunities, please fill out our inquiry form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Amy Selzer

Amy SelzerAmy Selzer has been practicing vipassana meditation since 2002. She completed two year-long classes on Integrated Study and Practice with Andrew Olendski.
She is a graduate of the Community Dharma Leaders Program. After she graduated, she saw a need to address the aging population. She is one of the founders of that sangha, Aging As A Spiritual Practice, which meets weekly to this day.
She has also been one of the core teachers in the year- long Death and Dying classes. She has served as Co-Chair on the Teacher’s Council for over 3 years.
Amy’s former career was team- teaching young children in an inclusion program for children with and without special needs. In addition, she worked with and supported the parents of those children.
She is particularly passionate about the dharma and the aging population, as well as all other practitioners.

Nancy Glimm

Nancy has been practicing meditation since 1996. She has been a member of NYIMC since it’s inception in 1997. Her first teacher Tamara Engel was one of NYIMC’s founders. Nancy has taught broadly on the Dharma since her graduation from the Community Dharma Leader Teacher Training Program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in 2012. Since 2013 she has been a core teacher for the NYIMC Aging as a Spiritual Practice sangha and courses. Since 2019 she has been a core teacher for the Life and Death year long courses. Her primary teacher since 2012 is Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia.

Nancy is also a psychotherapist with a full time private practice in NYC. Her private practice is informed by her Dharma training.

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