
Feeling More Intimately Connected


Dear friends, I moved to New York hoping to find meaningful work and a community to support and deepen my meditation practice, as most of my experience had been of sitting alone. By the time I finally found my way to NYI, I had been unemployed for a few months. At first, I [...]

Feeling More Intimately Connected2021-04-12T23:41:53-04:00

Living in Unusual Times


    Dear Friends, There is so much happening for all of us that brings with it, uncertainty, isolation and fear. We are in the midst of the pandemic, protests, and the social justice movement. We are living in unusual times. We have so many challenges, but this is a time where we can [...]

Living in Unusual Times2020-07-01T17:40:21-04:00

Our Collective Pain: What Is Needed Now?


  George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Sean Reed, and Tony McDade. These recent killings and the Central Park incident are all part of a long history of black people being brutalized, de-legitimized and seen as less than. This pain and grief does not belong just to the black community. It is a collective pain. [...]

Our Collective Pain: What Is Needed Now?2020-07-05T09:36:01-04:00

Transforming Ourselves Transforms the World


by Lama Surya Das Sometimes sitting meditation seems useless when so much is going on around us. Is there another way to look at it? It’s true that sometimes meditation can seem like self-indulgent navel-gazing. Isn’t it more important to work for peace and justice, to strive to alleviate suffering, to actively address [...]

Transforming Ourselves Transforms the World2020-05-29T19:31:07-04:00

The Way of Mindfulness and Recovery


The Way of Mindfulness and Recovery by Kevin Griffin Join Kevin Griffin on Saturday and Sunday, May 2nd-3rd, 2020 for an online weekend retreat practicing mindfulness meditation and exploring recovery and the Twelve Steps through a Buddhist lens. Click here for more info and registration. What is mindfulness? As this practice and Buddhist [...]

The Way of Mindfulness and Recovery2020-04-29T23:48:34-04:00

Announcement Regarding COVID-19


  New York Insight COVID-19 Response Update April 15, 2020 Community Survey: What are you most concerned about? How can NYI help?In late March, NYI’s Friends Leadership Council (our membership committee) sent out a short Community Survey to find out as quickly as possible how you are faring under the Covid-19 pandemic and Executive [...]

Announcement Regarding COVID-192020-04-15T11:52:00-04:00

2019 in Numbers & How You Can Help


New York Insight's first IMS Urban Retreat Donate Now! 2019 in Numbers & How You Can Help As we approach the end of 2019 and look ahead to 2020, lets reflect on what New York Insight has accomplished and how you can help support our path toward our shared future. [...]

2019 in Numbers & How You Can Help2019-12-02T12:22:16-05:00

Looking Towards 2020 and Beyond


Dearest Sangha, During this season of gratitude, I invite you to reflect with me on what we’ve experienced and accomplished together since last fall, and to open your hearts as we embrace our future. Since January when I became NYI’s Executive Director, I have sat with you as we listened, learned and practiced [...]

Looking Towards 2020 and Beyond2019-10-27T11:56:12-04:00

Kindness in Action is Dharma in Action


By Bart van Melik. Strengthening one’s resiliency is another way of saying strengthening one’s heart so it has the reserves to still reach out even under the most trying conditions. Are we strong enough to connect? Are we strong enough to be vulnerable? Strong enough to release the judging mind? Will we put kindness into action?

Kindness in Action is Dharma in Action2019-08-27T11:57:49-04:00
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