
Good Enough Partnering: Experiencing Secure Attachment in Relationships


Are we asking too much of our partners—or even of ourselves—in relationships? In this thought-provoking video from Internal Family Systems therapist, author and meditation teacher Ralph de la Rosa, we explore the concept of "good enough partnering" and how embracing imperfection can transform our connections. Learn why the search for a flawless [...]

Good Enough Partnering: Experiencing Secure Attachment in Relationships2025-01-02T14:10:18-05:00

Special News from our Recent Community Town Hall!


Wow! It was quite a love fest at our recent Town Hall. With our themes of Community & Gratitude, we acknowledged, appreciated and celebrated our sangha. We had nearly 100 people in person and online bring their warmth and fellowship. And there were some delicious treats to share as well. We centered around [...]

Special News from our Recent Community Town Hall!2024-05-09T13:11:57-04:00



Truthfulness (sacca in Pali) helps us to free the mind from distortion, tunnel vision, and detrimental social constructs and paradigms. As LGBTQIA+ people and allies we might internalize these false beliefs that limit our capacity to really be our full selves. In this short video, meditation teachers Wildecy de Fátima Jury and Gayah (Imani) [...]


Video: How to Stay Open-Hearted in the Midst of Suffering – Oren Jay Sofer


In a world where it's easy to be overwhelmed by global suffering, finding balance between compassion and joy is very important. In this video clip by author and meditation teacher Oren Jay Sofer, he shares personal reflections on staying open-hearted amidst despair and pain, allowing our hearts to be nourished by joy is not just necessary—it's what keeps us going.

Video: How to Stay Open-Hearted in the Midst of Suffering – Oren Jay Sofer2024-02-11T17:34:29-05:00

The Dharma of Belonging – Wildecy de Fatima Jury and Gayah (Imani) Gillson


 Join Fatima and Imani on Saturday, February 3rd and Saturday, February 10th, 2024 for two special daylong retreats for those who identify as BIPOC. Together we will contemplate the role, sacredness, and power of sanghas in our lives and all the gifts that a sangha can bestow us. We will meditate, chant, write, make [...]

The Dharma of Belonging – Wildecy de Fatima Jury and Gayah (Imani) Gillson2024-01-29T18:08:19-05:00

Deep Rest as Wise Effort with Kaira Jewel Lingo


In this talk with Kaira Jewel Lingo, we are invited to return home to our body and mind to discover the wisdom and clarity that can emerge from profound rest. With so many aspects of our lives impacted and disrupted by systems that insist that we be ‘on’ all the time. This [...]

Deep Rest as Wise Effort with Kaira Jewel Lingo2023-10-25T14:33:34-04:00

Podcast: Embodied Mindfulness with Jill Satterfield


Meditation teacher Jill Satterfield discusses embodied mindfulness, getting to know yourself from the inside-out, Buddhism, the power of the breath and imagination in healing from pain, mindful movement, identifying the boxes in your brain – and exploding them, plus a shared compassion practice.Join Jill Satterfield on Saturday, April 8th, 2023 for an online daylong using [...]

Podcast: Embodied Mindfulness with Jill Satterfield2024-08-14T17:57:03-04:00

Podcast: Getting Over Yourself by Joseph Goldstein


In this podcast, Joseph Goldstein covers strategies for getting over yourself. According to Buddhism, there are three ways in which we perpetuate a sense of self -- not a healthy sense of self, but an unhealthy sense of self. You can think about the process of going deeper in meditation as a process [...]

Podcast: Getting Over Yourself by Joseph Goldstein2022-11-01T09:43:53-04:00

Podcast: Kindness & Bravery | Amanda Gilbert


In this podcast, meditation teacher and author Amanda Gilbert explores how kindness can be synonymous with being brave, courageous, outspoken, and aligned with the values and change we want to see in the world. Being kind does not mean rolling over into passivity. It doesn't necessarily mean niceness or being a doormat. Being [...]

Podcast: Kindness & Bravery | Amanda Gilbert2022-10-04T12:33:09-04:00

Podcast: Buddhism Without Beliefs | Stephen Batchelor


Stephen Batchelor is a Buddhist teacher who takes an unconventional approach to the practice. He was more of a scholar, studying logic and philosophy rather than mantras and deities. Throughout his practice, Batchelor felt torn between reason and faith, which ultimately resulted in his secular approach to Buddhism. He follows it as an ever-changing [...]

Podcast: Buddhism Without Beliefs | Stephen Batchelor2024-03-11T21:31:42-04:00
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