New York Insight Blog
Truthfulness (sacca in Pali) helps us to free the mind from distortion, tunnel vision, and detrimental social constructs and paradigms. As LGBTQIA+ people and allies we might internalize these false beliefs that limit our capacity to really be our full selves. In this short video, meditation teachers Wildecy de Fátima Jury and Gayah (Imani) [...]
Patience: The Process of Deep Listening by Leslie Booker
Dear Ones, This month, we are continuing our community-wide focus on the ten paramis: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, energy, patience, truthfulness, resolve, metta, and equanimity. Together, the paramis give us an understanding of not just what the Buddha said, but what he did to attain his liberation. Practicing as a community in this way [...]
Video: How to Stay Open-Hearted in the Midst of Suffering – Oren Jay Sofer
In a world where it's easy to be overwhelmed by global suffering, finding balance between compassion and joy is very important. In this video clip by author and meditation teacher Oren Jay Sofer, he shares personal reflections on staying open-hearted amidst despair and pain, allowing our hearts to be nourished by joy is not just necessary—it's what keeps us going.
The Parami of Energy by Leslie Booker
Dear Ones, The ten Paramis are the qualities of heart that paved the way for the Buddha’s awakening. In a sense, they are the prequel to the Buddha’s life. They are generosity, ethical conduct, renunciation, wisdom, energy, patience, truthfulness, determination, lovingkindness and equanimity. A few months ago the teaching body at NYI began [...]
The Dharma of Belonging – Wildecy de Fatima Jury and Gayah (Imani) Gillson
Join Fatima and Imani on Saturday, February 3rd and Saturday, February 10th, 2024 for two special daylong retreats for those who identify as BIPOC. Together we will contemplate the role, sacredness, and power of sanghas in our lives and all the gifts that a sangha can bestow us. We will meditate, chant, write, make [...]
Deep Rest as Wise Effort with Kaira Jewel Lingo
In this talk with Kaira Jewel Lingo, we are invited to return home to our body and mind to discover the wisdom and clarity that can emerge from profound rest. With so many aspects of our lives impacted and disrupted by systems that insist that we be ‘on’ all the time. This [...]