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New York Insight Blog

31October 2013

Dear Abhi-Dhamma: Choice vs Selfishness

October 31st, 2013|Ask Abhi–Dhamma, Blog|

Dear Abhi-dhamma, One of the big questions for me in my practice has been how to balance and discriminate between the contingent feelings and emotions rooted in ego and self and those things that, upon examination, appear on the surface to be selfish, but taken in a purely objective view (e.g. outside of the perspective of practice) have the potential to simply be seen as personal choice.

21October 2013

How’s Your Energy

October 21st, 2013|Blog, On the Cushion|

On the night of the Buddha’s awakening, he vowed: “I shall not give up my efforts until I have attained liberation by perseverance, energy and endeavor.” I imagine from this, that he was singly focused on liberation, with the wherewithal to apply all of his energy to it.

14October 2013

What is This?

October 14th, 2013|Blog, On the Cushion|

Last week, we recommitted to our practice of Mindfulness, the first of the Seven Factors of Awakening (qualities of mind/heart that lead to awakening). From these mental factors an awakened perspective emerges.

4October 2013

Meditating on Real Estate

October 4th, 2013|Blog, On the Cushion|

Not long ago my parents decided to sell their country place. It was a house I spent part of my childhood in, and one we used on weekends. When I was younger and less firmly urbanized I even thought I wanted to live there. Its loss means the loss of part of my past, as well as the loss of a place at which we enjoyed spending time.

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