New York Insight Blog
The POC Sangha Changed My Life
The POC Sangha Changed My Lifeby Julio RiveraBack in November of 2017, I was going through a dark period trying to figure out ways to deal with my overwhelming sense of stress and anxiety. I had been meditating for sometime, but I hit a ceiling and began searching for guidance. I hunted New York [...]
It’s June, are you Still, in the City?
Since we launched our Spring Membership Drive on April 29th, we’ve already surpassed last year’s goal of adding 50 new, renewed or upgraded members. And, we’re on a roll to add another 50 in time for the beginning of summer. On June 3rd our team of volunteers will be reaching out to many [...]
Finding My Spiritual Home
Finding My Spiritual Home by Erin O’Connor, NYI Community Member In September 2013, I attended a retreat for women on the west coast. A big takeaway from that retreat was how much I really needed to find a spiritual home – to have people who are on the path and can offer me [...]
Town Hall & Community Survey Updates
For 2019, we at New York Insight are committed to understanding your needs when it comes to programming, teachers and community activities — and how we can strengthen what’s going well and improve what’s not working.
The Buddha & Bill W
Explore the connection between the path to recovery that Bill W. discovered for people with addictions (The Twelve Steps) and the path to freedom that the man who was the Buddha discovered for all beings with a human heart.
MBSR—Going Deep in 8 weeks!
More and more these days there are ways of learning about mindfulness and the meditation practices that support it. There are apps, YouTube videos, online classes and a multitude of mindfulness classes and drop-in centers offered to the public. What makes a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) class different?