Make a Donation
Thank You for Considering a Donation to
New York Insight Meditation Center
Your generosity is a gift that supports not just the physical center, but also the Sangha, the larger Dharma community, and your own practice.
You are just one step away from making a contribution.
At New York Insight there are many ways to offer this support
Donate now by filling out the form on this page, click to confirm, and your gift will be on its way!
Donate by US check, mail your check made out to NYIMC
And mail to
New York Insight Meditation Center
Atten: Solomon James, Finance & Operation Steward
115 W 29th Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Other ways to donate:
Stock Gifts: Donating appreciated assets like stock offers two key benefits. First, you can claim a tax deduction for the full market value of the asset at the time of donation. Second, by gifting the stock directly, you can avoid paying capital gains tax that you would incur if you sold the asset, meaning more of your gift will benefit NYIMC. However, we recommend consulting with your tax advisor to understand how this applies to your specific situation.
To offer a gift of stock please contact to explore this option with us.
Workplace Matching Gifts: If your employer offers a matching gift program, you could potentially double the impact of your contribution. Whether you’ve made a one-time gift or set up monthly donations this year, your company may match your gift. Please reach out to your HR department for more information on how to apply.
Donor Advised Fund Gifts: Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are a growing and effective way to give to charity. Contributions made through a DAF provide immediate tax benefits, streamline your charitable giving, and help ensure that NYIMC can continue to serve as a spiritual refuge for years to come.
Much gratitude for your generosity!
Information About Your Donation
New York Insight Meditation Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Donations to New York Insight are tax deductible under IRS 170(f)(8).
We welcome the opportunity to talk with you about your interest in supporting New York Insight or to answer any questions you may have. Please contact Bruce Arbit, NYI Development, at
New York Insight Meditation Center
115 W 29th Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10001