Now Online: Insight Dialogue Sangha

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Insight Dialogue Sangha

with Bart van Melik

Second & Fourth Wednesdays of Every Month | 8:00am – 9:30am ET
Online via Zoom until further notice 

Please Note: the sangha is on a Hiatus.
We will update this page with information about the return to sangha late in the month.

Please check our website calendar for further updates regarding this sangha and other programs.

Insight Dialogue taps into the enormous power, wisdom and compassion that co-arises when people gather with the intention to be mindful. We meditate in dialogue and reflect on Buddha’s teachings to gain insight into how relational suffering is created and how we can release this suffering.

All are welcome!

These mornings provide an opportunity to apply the teachings of mindfulness and compassion directly to interpersonal relationships and communications as well as within the context of daily life situations and universal themes. The format offers community connection, alongside meditation and facilitated activities that include speaking, listening, and relating. Learning to connect with greater presence opens up possibilities for ease, joy, and healing. And for those committed to the Buddhist path, these practices help deepen the application of teachings to daily life.


Join our sangha via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 814 2570 5868
Passcode: 123

Dial In (New York): +1 646 558 8656
Find your local number:

Make a Donation

Please donate via PayPal (indicate in the note section that it is for “NYI Teacher Dana”) or use the form below. All proceeds will support this sangha’s teacher(s) and other NYI teacher support services.

If you are using a mobile device such as a phone or tablet, you can scroll right and left and up and down within the form below if it is partially obscured or cut off. Please contact if you need assistance.

Please consult our monthly calendar for dates of Insight Dialogue Sangha.



Bart van Melik

Bart van Melik is the Community Meditation Center Guiding Teacher. Trained by Joseph Goldstein, Carol Wilson, and Gregory Kramer, he has taught meditation worldwide since 2009. Co-author of Still, in the City: Creating Peace of Mind in the Midst of Urban Chaos, Bart has been bringing the practice to diverse communities like juvenile detention centers, homeless shelters and NYC public schools. He is passionate about supporting people to discover how they can find new ways to relate to life’s stresses. Bart graduated from the IMS/Spirit Rock Teacher Training. Bart is originally from Holland.

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