Online: The Boundless Within
with Tara Mulay
Saturday, September 10th, 2022 | 10:00am – 3:00pm ET
Due to unforeseen circumstances, this program has been canceled and will be rescheduled at a later date. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you’ve registered for this program we will be in touch about a refund or credit. Thank you for your understanding!
As practitioners of the dharma, we must claim our own capacity to awaken. Sometimes this requires shedding dominant culture views that are limiting or that do not affirm us. The Buddha himself boldly used coded language and puns to challenge dominant cultural views that would lead practitioners away from liberation and that were rooted in greed, hatred, and delusion. His followers, too, regardless of their status and even if enslaved or from an “outcaste” community, proclaimed confidence and faith (“saddha” in Pali) in the dharma and their ability to walk the full path to liberation.
During this daylong, we will take inspiration from specific teachings of the Buddha that challenged a dominant cultural belief to support our cultivation of undaunted, even audacious, confidence in our ability to practice and realize the truth. Through guided meditations, dharma sharing, and discussion we will explore:
* the core necessity of non-harming to self or others as the path to freedom,
* the rejection of any notion that status or birth determines capacity to awaken
* the boundless, yet unowned capacities of the mind, including for lovingkindness and compassion.