Postponed: The Path of the Paramis – Learning How To Live, Awake

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Postponed: The Path of the Paramis – Learning How To Live, Awake
with Amanda Gilbert
Thursdays, November 2nd, 9th, & 16th, 2023 | 7:00pm – 8:30pm ET

The 10 pāramīs are qualities or states of heart and mind that are necessary for the cultivation of an awakened life. Together, they show us how to pay attention and engage with ourselves, others and the world around us in a wakeful way – with more connection, concern for others and awareness of our own basic goodness.

The Ten Paramis are: Generosity, Virtue, Renunciation, Wisdom, Energy, Patience, Truthfulness, Resolve, Metta, Equanimity

Over this three week course we’ll explore these ten qualities together, in community. Week by week, you’ll discover techniques to integrate into your formal meditation practice and also mobile practices to take out into the world and your life.

The Paramis show us how to live our practice, being a part of the interconnected web of life. Join us to find out how.

This course is open to all and no prior meditation experience is necessary.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, this program is being canceled and postponed for a future date.

If you have any questions, please contact



Amanda Gilbert

Amanda Gilbert is a meditation teacher, speaker, lecturer of mindfulness at the University of Southern California, and the author of Kindness Now: A 28-Day Guide to Living with Authenticity, Intention and Compassion. Before dedicating herself to teaching full-time, Amanda was Center Director for The Aging Metabolism and Emotions Center at the University of California San Francisco, conducting clinical research and publishing investigations on the biological and psychological effects of mindfulness and meditation. Her formal meditation training has been with UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center, in Primordial Sound Meditation with Deepak Chopra and within the Insight Meditation tradition at InsightLA. Amanda’s teachings span from coast to coast in the US as well as online. She has led meditation for top companies and startups like NBC, Paramount Pictures, The W Hotels, Merrill Lynch, Macy’s and YouTube.

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