Online: ¡Únicamente Latinx! Medio dia de retiro en meditación

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Online: ¡Únicamente Latinx! Medio dia de retiro en meditación
with Nakawe Cuebas Berrios and Isabel Adon
Sunday, May 23rd, 2021 | 10:00am – 2:00pm ET
Latinx, AfroLatinx, Latino y Latina podemos co-existir y representar exclusividad en la diáspora, especialmente aquellos que se han sentido excluido o marginalizados en el pasado. Podemos llevar adelante nuestras raíces y todas las variedades étnicas de nuestro sabor “sofrito” que es lo que nos hace únicos. (Latinx, AfroLatinx, Latino and Latina can all co-exist, and represent inclusivity within our diaspora especially for those who feel they have been excluded or marginalized in the past. We carry in us our ancestral heritage, as well as our varied ethnic “sofritos” that make us uniquely Latinx!)

Reflexionar en lo que significa crear una sangha con otros meditadores latinos/Latinx y profundizar en nuestras prácticas espirituales, las cuales pueden fortalecernos para compartir con nuestras familias, unirnos a movimientos sociales y a otras comunidades. (Reflect on what it means to build sangha with other Latinx meditators and deepen our spiritual practices that will help us grow stronger for our families, communities, and larger social justice movements.)

Este retiro será mayormente en español con algunas conversaciones mezcladas en inglés y español o Spanglish. Este retiro es apropiado para personas que han meditado anteriormente o personas que nunca han meditado. Centralizado en el Budadharma, el tiempo que pasemos juntos incluirá meditation, reflexiones del dharma (enseñanzas) del Buda, preguntas y respuestas y compartir con la comunidad (sangha). Todos que se identifican como Latinx son bienvenidos.(This retreat will be held mainly in Spanish with some Spanglish in between and is appropriate for both new and experienced meditators. Grounded in the Buddhadharma, our time together will include meditation, Dharma reflections, Q&A and sangha sharing circles. Everyone who identifies as Latinx is welcome.)

Este programa se llevará a cabo en línea por medio de un enlace en Zoom. Todos las personas que se registren, recibirán el enlace cuando reciban su confirmación electrónica. (This program will be held online via Zoom. All registrants will receive the link to join the program in their Order Confirmation email.)

10:00am – 10:05am ET — Opening welcome
10:05am – 10:45am ET — Group opening circle
10:45am-11:15am ET — Guided Meditation
11:15am – 11:45am ET — Sharing circle breakout groups
11:45am – 12:15pm ET — Break
12:15pm – 1:15pm ET – Dhamma Talk
1:15pm – 1:45pm ET — Metta meditation
1:45pm – 2:00pm ET — Group Q&R and Closing


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Registration Fees include Teacher Support

New York Insight Meditation Center has streamlined the registration fee levels. Members of our Circle of Friends are eligible to receive 20% off of the Sustaining Rate via a code provided in the email confirming membership, which you can enter after clicking the Sustaining Level registration.

*Benefactor Level: Supports NYI’s ability to offer the Subsidized Base.

**Sustaining Level: This level reflects the actual costs to support this program. Circle of Friends members eligible for 20% discount with code. Click here to join.

***Subsidized Base: Made possible by the generosity of Benefactor Level above and other donations to ensure participation by those requiring financial assistance.

If you have questions about your registration (cancellation policy, membership discount, email confirmation, etc.), please read our FAQs. If your question is not addressed in the FAQs, please email

If you are unable to pay the Subsidized Base Fee, you can learn about volunteering to offer work exchange and letting us know how much you are able to pay for this program by emailing

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Nakawe Cuebas Berrios

Nakawe Cuebas Berrios feels blessed to be able to study and journey through different healing and spiritual traditions in her life. The common thread between the many traditions that have touched her path has been the belief that health and wellness depend on a balance between the mind, body, and heart. The healing systems that she has studied are: Midwifery, Chinese acupuncture, Ayurvedic medicine and yoga. Spiritually the practices are Lucumi (Cuba), with roots from the African Yoruba culture and indigenous ceremonies. These practices helped to strengthen her connection to the Earth and Cosmos. Her ancestral home is Puerto Rico, blending the Spanish, African and Taino Indian roots that flow from her ancestors, and give her guidance and strength daily. Her Nuyorican roots are honored by her experiences growing up in New York City.

By profession she has been a Midwife for 40 years and has worked doing home, hospital, birth center births and now works in a community health center in the Bronx providing services of midwifery/well women health care.

For over 20 years she has immersed herself in the teachings of the early Buddhist schools, mainly Theravada and Thai Forest. She studied in the Dedicated Practitioners Program and Community Dharma Leaders Program affiliated with Spirit Rock. She teaches Meditation through the Buddha Dharma. Presently she is in the IMS Teacher Training program, where she shares the Dharma by assisting and teaching on retreats. For 10 years she has served as a mentor with the BAUS Prisoner Correspondence course.

Isabel Adon

Isabel Adon has been practicing meditation for over 25 years in the Vipassana (mindfulness) tradition. A long-time member of New York Insight Meditation Center, she has been actively engaged in the community for more than 20 years. Isabel occasionally leads meditation sessions for BIPOC and LGBTIQ+ groups at NYI and continues to deepen her understanding of the Dharma through learning from a diverse range of teachers.

Isabel Adon practica la meditación en la tradición Vipassana y ha guiado charlas de meditación para las comunidades de color, indígenas y latinas y gay. Isabel ha estado meditando por más de 25 años y ha aprendido de varios maestros sobre el dharma y el Buddha. Isabel es miembro del grupo de meditación de New York Insight.

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