Upcoming Events › Course Series

In-Person and Online: Peaceful Mind, Peaceful Heart – A Five-Week Course

with Lani Miller
Tuesdays, March 11th - April 8th, 2025 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm ET
The possibilities for us to be truly happy and peaceful in this life greatly increase when we are able to respond to life’s changes with awareness and balance. In this five week course, we will explore the beautiful practice of equanimity together. We will learn from observing our individual patterns of reactivity and noticing how it feels when we are able to respond, instead of react, to life’s circumstances. Find out more

In-Person and Online: Investigating the Three Characteristics of Existence

with Elaine Retholtz
Mondays, March 17th - April 21st, 2025 (skips April 14th) from 9:30am - 11:30am ET
The Three Characteristics of Existence (not-self, impermanence, and unsatisfactoriness) are essential Buddhist teachings on the nature of our experience. In this five-part course, we will explore how understanding (and misunderstanding) these fundamental pillars of existence can deeply impact how we live our lives. Find out more

In-Person and Online: Nurturing Happy and Healthy Relationships – A Six-Week Course

with Kimberly Brown
Tuesdays, March 18th - April 22nd, 2025, from 6:30pm - 8:00pm ET
Happy relationships are possible—for everyone. In this course, you’ll learn to develop positive connections with yourself and those close to you, and practice using your communication and actions to foster gratitude, set wise boundaries, and create deeper and long-lasting attachments of mutual support and caring. This program is appropriate for and open to anyone who wants to rekindle their connections and rediscover the beauty of supportive, loving relationships. Find out more

In-Person and Online: Rediscovering Your Super Powers – Cultivating the 5 Spiritual Faculties

with Leslie Booker and David Grogan
Thursdays, April 10th - May 15th, 2025 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm ET
You already have within you the capacity to empower your practice. The Buddha identified five innate human faculties—faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom—that can serve us in working toward liberation for ourselves and others. This six-week course will be a practical exploration of these five powers, both on and off the cushion. Find out more
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