NYI Sitemap
- About NYI
- Account
- Annual Appeal
- Ask Abhi–dhamma
- Audio
- Become a Member
- Become a Member Draft
- Beginners Programs
- Benefits of Meditation
- Beyond NYI
- Board & Staff
- Calendar
- Calendar of Events
- Categories Template
- Co-Guiding Teacher Meet and Greet
- Community Blog
- Contact
- Create an Account
- Create Member Profile
- Creating Community
- Dharma in Daily Life
- Dharma Leadership Council
- Dharma Rhythms Holiday Fest Performers and Auction Items
- Disclaimer
- Donate
- Donate Test
- Donation Confirmation
- Donation Failed
- Donation History
- Events
- Generosity
- Healing Ourselves, Healing Our World Online Benefit
- Home
- Home with Alert
- How to Meditate
- How to Prepare for a NYI Online Event: A Guide for Joining Us Online
- IMS Urban Retreat @ NYI: Lunch and Logistics
- IMS Urban Retreats at New York Insight
- Join New York Insight
- Join NYIMC
- Key Volunteers
- Leslie Booker - New York Insight Co-Guiding Teacher
- Living the Dharma in a Challenging Time
- Log In
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- Member Signup and Renewal
- Membership Account
- Membership Levels
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Classes
- My Registrations
- New Spiritual Leadership For NYIMC
- Newsletter Signup
- On the Cushion
- Overview
- Page Has Moved or No Longer Exists
- Planned Giving & Stock Transfers
- Privacy Policy for https://www.nyimc.org/~nyimco6
- Reading List
- Register
- Register
- Registration Page
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- Resources
- Rubin Museum Mindfulness Meditation
- Sangha & Diversity
- Sign
- Sitemap
- Space Rental
- Still in the City Group Forum
- Stories of Transformation
- Submissions
- Teachers
- Amy Selzer
- Angela Dews
- Bart van Melik
- Board & Staff: Amy Gross
- Board & Staff: Blonka Winkfield
- Board & Staff: Dalila Bothwell
- Board & Staff: David Noble
- Board & Staff: Gregg Hill
- Board & Staff: Jon Aaron
- Board & Staff: Joseph Schmidt
- Board & Staff: Linda Spink
- Board & Staff: Peace Twesigye
- Board & Staff: Salma Abdulla
- Board & Staff: Sandra Weinberg
- Board & Staff: Vivian Mac
- DaRa Williams
- Elaine Retholtz
- Gary Singer
- George Pitagorsky
- Gina Sharpe
- Jon Aaron
- Joshua Bee Alafia
- Lani Miller
- Nancy Glimm
- Nina Nagy
- Rosemary Blake
- Sandra Weinberg
- Sebene Selassie
- Tracy Cochran
- Testimonials
- Thank You
- Thank You For Contacting NYI
- Thank You for Subscribing to Our Newsletter
- Thank You For Your Donation
- Thank you for your interest in volunteering
- Thank You For Your Interest in Volunteering
- Thank you for your message
- Thank you for your scholarship request.
- Thank You!
- The Power of Spiritual Friendship — Available On-Demand
- Upcoming Courses Calendar at NYIMC
- Upcoming Events Calendar at NYIMC
- Upcoming Insight Meditation 101: Six-Week Beginners’ Courses
- Upcoming Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Classes
- Upcoming Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Orientation Classes
- Upcoming Offsite Programs
- Upcoming Onsite Sitting Groups Calendar at NYIMC
- View Profile
- Volunteer
- Volunteer Openings
- What Guides Us
- What We Teach
- Who We Are
- Your Account
- Your Profile
- Your Scholarship Application Has Been Submitted
- 2019 in Numbers & How You Can Help
- A Buddhist Recipe for Handling Turmoil
- A Center that is Open-Hearted and Inclusive
- A Covenant with New York Insight
- A Fascination with Conscious Awareness
- A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Learning about Meditation
- A Most Unusual Teaching — The Five Aggregates
- A Truly Connected Life – Dan Siegel
- A Young Man’s Longing
- All Humankind is My Kin
- Announcement Regarding COVID-19
- Apparent Contradiction
- Appropriate Response
- Arouse Energy Now
- Aversion is Our Teacher
- Awake in the Wild
- Awakening Together in Wisdom
- Beginning Again
- Being Intimate With Our Experience
- Being One’s Own Teacher
- Beyond To-ing and Fro-ing
- Bhikkhu Bodhi’s Powerful Addresses to the United Nations on Climate Change
- Blessing the World
- Breathe
- Choosing What We Stand For: The Parami of Resolve by Leslie Booker
- Collapsing Time to the Present Moment
- Community Profile: Solomon James, Finance and Operations Steward
- Concentrating on Freedom
- Contentment Fuels the Second Precept
- Cultivating Healing and Resilience in Challenging Times
- Dancing The Rhythm
- Dancing with Hindrances
- Dear Abhi-Dhamma: Choice vs Selfishness
- Dear Abhi-dhamma: Desire and Unhappiness
- Dear Abhi-Dhamma: Does Meditation Enhance Creativity?
- Dear Abhi-Dhamma: How to Practice far from Sangha
- Dear Abhi-Dhamma: The Long Game of Practice
- Dear Abhi-Dhamma: Working with a Tight Jaw
- Dear Abhi–Dhamma: Where Do My Needs Fit?
- Deep August Dharma…
- Deep Bows
- Deep Rest as Wise Effort with Kaira Jewel Lingo
- Developing Skillfulness
- Dhamma is Everywhere
- Energetic Awakening
- Feeling More Intimately Connected
- Feeling our way to Freedom
- Finding Balance in Turbulent Times
- Finding My Spiritual Home
- Finding Safety
- First Retreat: Waking Up from the Haze
- Freedom and Emptiness
- Fulfilling Vows
- Game for Generosity?
- Generosity
- Generous Now
- Good Grief
- Got Compassion?
- Greed, Hatred and Delusion
- How Mindfulness Changes the Emotional Life of our Brains by Richard J. Davidson
- How’s Your Energy
- I Wouldn’t Have a Sangha If It Weren’t For New York Insight
- In Memoriam: Sandra Weinberg, 1935-2023
- Indeterminate Zones: Christ or Buddha?
- Ingesting Clarity
- Insight Dialogue
- Intending and Resolving
- Intending the Beautiful Life
- It’s June, are you Still, in the City?
- Joy to the World
- Kindness in Action is Dharma in Action
- Let Freedom Ring
- Let the Teaching Fall into Your Heart
- Let the Teachings Fall into Your Heart (Fearless Love)
- Liberation In Any Given Moment
- Liberation in Seven Days!
- Living in Unusual Times
- Look Deeply, Be Free
- Looking at Metta
- Looking Towards 2020 and Beyond
- Loving All Life
- Loving Speech
- Loving the Imperfect
- Loving Unconditionally
- MBSR—Going Deep in 8 weeks!
- Meditating on Real Estate
- Modern Womanhood, Dating and the Dharma
- Monkeys on Steroids
- My True Dharma Home
- New Transitions: NYI Leaping into the Future
- New York Insight Job Opening – Programming Coordinator/Registrar
- Non-Identification by Tara Mulay
- Not Without You!
- Nurture That Seed
- NYI All Sangha Gathering
- On Knowing the Path
- One ‘Easy’ Step to Happiness?
- Open Heart, Faithful Life
- Our Collective Pain: What Is Needed Now?
- Our Home
- Our New Registration Model
- Patience: The Process of Deep Listening by Leslie Booker
- Planting the Seeds: Growing or Cutting the Roots of Thoughts and Feelings by Jill Satterfield
- Podcast: Buddhism Without Beliefs | Stephen Batchelor
- Podcast: Embodied Mindfulness with Jill Satterfield
- Podcast: Facing the Unknown with Kaira Jewel Lingo
- Podcast: Getting Over Yourself by Joseph Goldstein
- Podcast: Kindness & Bravery | Amanda Gilbert
- Powerful Faculties
- Presence with Equanimity
- Profile: Jan Willis
- Quarrelsome Mind
- Questions About the New Site?
- Rapture Now
- Re-energize and Awaken Now
- Refuge in the Rich Tapestry of Sangha
- Safety in Dhamma
- Silent Illumination in Work Meditation
- Space for Restlessness and Worry
- Special News from our Recent Community Town Hall!
- Strive on with heedfulness
- Taking Responsibility
- Talking about Real Life with Sharon Salzberg
- The Art of Transforming Aggression with Pamela Ayo Yetunde
- The Beloved Community
- The Buddha & Bill W
- The Circle of Generosity
- The Dharma of Belonging – Wildecy de Fatima Jury and Gayah (Imani) Gillson
- The Gift of Refraining from Sexual Misconduct
- The Ground for a Happy New Year
- The Mindfulness Retreat Glossary
- The Parami of Energy by Leslie Booker
- The Perfection of Speech and Perception by Leslie Booker
- The POC Sangha Changed My Life
- The Safe Place
- The Tender Raw Heart
- The Way of Mindfulness and Recovery
- The Way Things Are
- The Wise Heart
- The World We Dream
- Town Hall & Community Survey Updates
- Train the Heart
- Transforming Ourselves Transforms the World
- Truth Telling
- Truthfulness
- Unbinding
- Understanding Can Deepen
- Universal Unconditional Love
- Unselfish Joy
- Video: Changes in Your Life
- Video: Community
- Video: Ego, Buddhism & Freud with Mark Epstein
- Video: Generosity
- Video: How to Stay Open-Hearted in the Midst of Suffering – Oren Jay Sofer
- Video: Shame, Healing, Wholeness, and Atonement by Ben Connelly
- Video: What is meditation?
- Walk the Path
- Wanting Mind
- We Are Awake
- Welcome
- What Experiences Experience?
- What is New York Insight?
- What is this thing called “Self?”
- What is This?
- Who Are You Really?
- Who Thought That Thought?
- Why The Brahma-Viharas Are Key To Really Meditating
- Wise Action
- Wise Effort
- Wise Livelihood
- Wise Mindfulness
- Wise Understanding
- Words Have Power
- Worldly Winds
- You Are the Music
- Your Heart’s Deepest Intention