Amma Thanasanti has been meditating for 45 years. She was a Theravada Buddhist Nun for 26 years including 20 years in the Ajahn Chah Forest Tradition. Since 1996, Amma has been teaching families since 1989 and intensive 10 day-meditation retreats.

Decades of living in monastic communities showed her several ways that ending suffering required more than what was available from Insight meditation practices and ethical guidelines. She returned to civilian life in 2017.

She loves to dance, considers herself a “Dharma Coyote” rather than a Buddhist; makes friends easily with trees, dogs, cats, rocks and water; and loves to cook and make herbal potions. Amma is passionate about trauma-informed meditation and the Integrated Meditation Program to give meditators tools to cultivate safety, joy, and the power of genuine connection with others.