Kathy Cherry is a Somatic Experiencing® (SE) practitioner and Dharma/mindfulness teacher based in Brooklyn. A founding member of DharmaPunx NYC, she has been teaching since 2014 and regularly leads retreats and workshops in the U.S. and internationally.
Grounded in the Thai Forest and Theravāda traditions, Kathy’s primary teacher is Heather Sundberg, with whom she has studied for over a decade. Their work together focuses on MahaSati and Emptiness/Pure Awareness practices from within the Thai Forest lineage, while also integrating non-dual approaches from Vajrayana practices.
Kathy combines SE® with mindfulness and Buddhist teachings to foster mind-body integration, supporting psycho-spiritual growth and well-being. Her teaching emphasizes embodiment, compassion, and practical wisdom both on and off the cushion.
She leads DailyPause, a morning meditation group, and teaches online courses through The Nervous System Solution. Kathy is also the creator of DailyPause: A Card Deck for Regulation, Resilience, and Well-Being and recently launched a digital version to support mindfulness on the go.
Learn more at: KathyCherry.com / Daily-Pause.com / DharmaPunxNYC.com